Books to Read After BOB books

Fountas & Pinnell Level E/F, DRA 8-10

There's a lot of controversy about sharing a child's reading level. I like to think of it this way: you would never walk into an advanced tennis class before picking up a racket, right? You want to practice new skills on your skill level in a way that teaches the concepts you are working on while also challenging you to the extent that makes you feel engaged, confident and ready to try again. 

Learning to read is similar. My short advice: let kids explore all books, while also reading a few books on their reading level to stretch and grow their skills. Present the leveled books as a reward and a special time together rather than a punishment. My hope is that these lists help parents provide the right books for their kids so that all kids become confident readers!

Viva Frida by Yuyi Morales


Not A Stick and Not A Box by Antoinette Portis


You Are (Not) Small! Boxed Set by Anna Kang. If you want to dip your toe in, try You Are (Not) Small first.


Today Is Monday by Eric Carle


A Color of His Own By Leo Lionni. F


Fly High, Fly Guy! by Tedd Arnold. (f)


The Adventures of Taxi Dog by Debra Barracca and Sal Barracca, Illustrated by Mark Buehner. (E)


The Cat and the Bird in the Hat by Norman Bridwell. (E)


This Little Chick by John Lawrence. (e)


My Favorite Bear by Andrea Gabriel. (e)


Mama Cat Has Three Kittens by Denise Fleming. (f)


Other book on this exact level include:

If your new reader becomes interested in Pete then pair these books with nighttime read-alouds, that you read to your child. Another classic and general crowd pleaser to read after BOB books is Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. 
