Label your home! Promote emerging literacy skills

One of the simplest ways to promote early literacy skills is to label your home. Print or simply write these labels and tape them to objects around your house. Seeing the labels will promote print awareness in many ways. Young children will begin to notice words that start with the same sounds. Some older children will begin to internalize the spelling by seeing it each day. Simply talking about the labels and the different words for each object is great for young kids.

Your kids can cut the words and tape them around the house.

Older children might enjoy making it into a game. Find all of the items that start with the /l/ sound. Want to add a math activity? Make a bar graph of how many words you labeled that begin with /d/ and how many start with /l/. For example, desk, door, dresser, etc. vs L words: light, lightbulb, lamp, laminator, etc. 


Home labels.png